Grieving with God & Others (Half Day Retreat)
Sat, Nov 13th 9am - 12pm
Room: Chapel
Church of the Open Door 9060 Zanzibar Lane North Maple Grove, MN 55311

We will explore the shared experience of cumulative grief and loss in our lives and in the life of Jesus. There are many types of losses in addition to the death of a loved one, your health, marriage, occupation, and physical contact with loved ones and friends due to Covid, just to name a few. All types of grief are welcome at this half-day retreat. There will be teaching, times of listening, solitude for reflection and journaling, scripture meditation, prayer and group sharing. We will interact with questions like “Has God met you in your loss(es), if so in what ways”? “How are you being changed by your loss(es)”? “Do you feel stuck in anyway?” We will also talk about how to be with others in their grief. Bring a bible or bible app, paper or journal to write on, and your own water. Contact: Bob McKenna |